The Official Website for the Bram Stoker Estate
Bram Stoker
Bram Stoker’s Fictional Work
Novels by Bram Stoker
English Language 1st Editions
The Snake's Pass, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, Ltd., London, 1890; Harper & Brothers, New York, 1890
The Watter's Mou', Theo L. De Vinne & Co., New York, 1894; A. Constable and Co., Westminster, 1895; D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1895
The Shoulder of Shasta, Archibald Constable and Co., Westminster, 1895; Macmillan and Co., London and New York, 1895
Dracula, Archibald Constable and Co., Westminster 1897; Doubleday and McClure, New York, 1899
Miss Betty, C. Arthur Pearson Limited, London, 1898
The Mystery of the Sea, William Heinemann, London, 1902; Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, 1902
The Jewel of Seven Stars, William Heinemann, London, 1903; Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York and London, 1904
The Man (The Gates of Life), William Heinemann, London, 1905 (Retitled, abridged: The Gates of Life, Cupples & Leon Company, Publishers, New York, 1908 n.d.)
Lady Athlyne, William Heinemann, London, 1908
The Lady of the Shroud, William Heinemann, London, 1909
The Lair of the White Worm, William Rider and Son, Limited, London, 1911
(Retitled: The Garden of Evil, Popular Library, New York, 1966)

The Watters' Mou

The Shoulder of Shasta

Miss Betty
A Monthly Survey Of General Literature, Volume IX, September 1890 to August 1891 Philadelphia, John Wanamaker
Book News
Philadelphia Record
The Snake's Pass. A novel. By Bram Stoker, M. A. Franklin Square Library.
Bram Stoker will be remembered as Mr. Henry Irving's manager and fidus Achates when the tragedian visited this country. The scene of the story is laid in the west of Ireland, and it has in it a shifting bog, a buried treasure, two high-minded and self-sacrificing heroes, a villain of the deepest dye, a pretty Irish girl and a witty car-driver. All of these characters, including the bog, constantly move across the stage, the bog in the end moving to such good purpose that it swallows up the villain and rewards virtue. Mr. Stoker shows much sympathy with the phases of Irish character, and his story is told with animation and vigor.
Bram Stoker’s Short Stories
(First published individually in a variety of periodicals)
1872 "The Crystal Cup"
1875 "Buried Treasures"
1875 "The Chain of Destiny"
1885 "Our New House"
1886 "The Dualitists"
1893 "Old Hoggen: A Mystery"
1894 "The Man from Shorrox'"
1894 "When the Sky Rains Gold"
1894 "The Red Stockade"
1898 "Bengal Roses"
1899 "A Young Widow"
1899 "A Yellow Duster"
1899 “A Baby Passenger”
1900 "Lucky Escapes of Sir Henry Irving"
1908 "To the Rescue"
1908 "The 'Eroes of the Thames"
1908 “In Fear of Death”
1908 “What They Confessed: A Low Comedian’s Story”
1909 "The Way of Peace"
1914 "Greater Love"

The Mystery of the Sea
The Jewel of Seven Stars
The Man
The New York Tribune, 21 June 1902, Some New Novels
“The Mystery of the Sea” By Bram Stoker, Doubleday, Page & Co.
The mystery of the sea to which Mr. Bram Stoker compels our attention is one which no reader will put aside undiscovered. The story is not saturated with the weird horror that held us in “Dracula,” but it has enough of the supernatural for due glamour and thrill. A great treasure of the Armada, hidden in a sea cave and sought not only by the hero but by the descendant of the Spaniard who shipped it, provides a starting point of excitement. A gang of ruthless murderers, thieves, and kidnappers in pursuit of the bewitching American heiress who is the heroine furnish forth enough suspense and terror for three ordinary tales. One parlous episode succeeds another; ancient documents, secret passages, rising tides, play significant parts; the lovely girl is always brave and sweet, the splendid hero always full of resource, though sufficiently careless to allow the scoundrels their necessary innings. Bride and bridegroom, alone in the treasure cave, search the heaps of coin and jewels while the icy tide unheeded surrounds them. Roused at last, they clamber to the highest point, piling up the precious ingots of the Armada to lift them a little further beyond the line of death. The air becomes less and less fresh--the light must be sacrificed.
And now in the darkness the terror of the rising flood grew worse and worse. The chill water crept up and up and up; till at last it was only by raising her head that Marjory could breathe. I leaned back against the rock, and bending my knees outward lifted her so that she rested her feet against my knees. Up and up rose the chill water till it reached my chin, and I feared the last moments had come. There was one more chance for Marjory; and though it cut me to the soul to speak it, for I knew that it would tear at her very heartstrings, I had to try it.
“Marjory, my wife, the end is close! I fear we may not both live. In a few moments more at most the water will be over my mouth. When the time comes I shall sink over the pile of treasure on which we rest. You must then stand on me; it will raise you sufficiently to let you hold out longer.” A dreadful groan broke from her.
Out of this unpleasant situation dawns a way of escape, else what would become of that other moment of breathless agony when hero, heroine and stately Spanish don fight through an enveloping fog a whole deck load of base kidnappers? Was there an escape from this danger also? We counsel the reader to seek an answer in an uncommonly spirited and entertaining book.
Bram Stoker’s Short Story Collections
English Language 1st Editions
Under the Sunset, by Bram Stoker M.A., with illustrations by W. Fitzgerald and W.V. Cockburn, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, London, 1882
Snowbound. The Record of a Theatrical Touring Party, by Bram Stoker, Collier (Collier’s Shilling Library), London, 1908
Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories, by Bram Stoker, George Routledge, London, 1914
Bram Stoker’s Poetry
“The One Thing Needful”, in ‘The Youth’s Companion’, Boston, Mass., 1885; in A Volunteer Haversack, Printed for the Queen’s Rifle Volunteer Brigade: the Royal Scots, Edinburgh, 1902,; Reprinted in The Queen’s Carol, An Anthology of Poems, Stories, Essays, Drawings and Music by British Authors, Artists, and Composers, London, Manchester and Paris: Daily Mail, 1905
“The Member of the Strand”, in Judy; Or the London Serio-Comic Journal, 1890
“The Wrongs of Grosvenor’s Square”, in The Speaker: A Review of Politics, Letters, Science, and the Arts, London, 1892

Lady Athlyne

The Lady of the Shroud

The Lair of the White Worm
The Theatre, a monthly review and magazine. Vol.1-new [4th]
December 1, 1881
In a few days all good fathers, godfathers, kindly-disposed uncles, and charitable old gentlemen will be wondering what kind of present to buy for the boys and girls. In every family there is sure to be a lad with a developed literary taste, or a girl who loves fairy stories told in a simple and enchanting fashion. Away then, good people, and buy a beautiful volume, called "Under the Sunset," by Mr. Bram Stoker, the faithful friend of Henry Irving. It is a lovely book, all vellum and scarlet; it is published by Mr. Sampson Low, of Fleet Street; the fair text is interspersed with pictures, and the writing is really charming. The luxurious volume has a most striking and pathetic dedication "To my son, whose angel doth behold the face of The King." Only a man of fine feeling could compose that sentence, and the whole book is worthy of the sentiment.

Bram Stoker’s Dramatic Works
Dracula, or the Un-Dead, in a Prologue and Five Acts
London: Royal Lyceum Theatre, 1897.
Miss Betty. A Play in Four Acts
London: Royal Lyceum Theatre, 1898.
The Mystery of the Sea. A Drama, in a Prologue and Five Acts
London: Royal Lyceum Theatre, 1902.
Under the Sunset
Under the Sunset
"The Shadowbuilder"
Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories
The Sketch: A Journal of Art and Actuality, Volume 39, 1902, Ingram Bros.
Those playgoers who delight in plays that make their knotted and combinéd locks to part and each particular hair to stand on end, like quills upon the fretful porcupine, may be warned to look for a thriller of the most thrilling description. This is a drama, at present entitled “The Mystery of the Sea,” written by Sir Henry Irving's business-manager and literary adviser, Mr. Bram Stoker. Mr. Stoker is already known to the literary world and to readers who love to have their flesh made to creep as the author of that woefully weird, not to say marrow-freezing, vampire romance called Dracula.” But I can assure them that, in “The Mystery of the Sea." Mr. Stoker has, in nerve-disturbing, not only gone “one better,” but many better—or worse, according to your point of view. The drama hereinbefore indicated has been based by Mr. Stoker upon his new and passing strange second-sight story, “The Mystery of the Sea.”