The Official Website for the Bram Stoker Estate
Bram Stoker
Charlotte Sheela McGillycuddy Stoker
B. 29 October 1883 at Mayfair, London, England
D. 25 May 1969 at Bath, England
Buried at Haycombe Cemetery, Bath on 3 June 1969
Baptized 8 Feb 1884 at Holy Trinity Church, Chelsea,
“Charlotte Sheelah McGillycuddy Stoker” may have been displeased with her given name.
Listed as above in the 1891 census, she was “Sheila C. M. Stoker in the 1901 census.
According to 1911 census documents, “Sheelah Stoker”, age 27, lived with her parents in Kent.
In 1939 the census form was “corrected” by her hand:
Stoker, “Charlotte S. M.” was struck through and replaced with Stoker, “Sheila Charlotte”.
Her occupation was listed as “Independent”.
According to Passenger lists for the “Montcalm”, on
20 July 1932, “Sheela Stoker”, age 48, a Nurse living at 30, Marlborough Buildings, Bath
traveled to Montreal, Quebec to visit her brother Tom and his wife, Mary
and their 3 young sons and returned to England on 3 Sept 1932.
Sheela may have felt like a nurse, having lived with and cared for her mother Agnes
when she passed away in February 1931, but family remembers her as having no formal occupation.
Descendants of Abraham Coates Stoker
(Click names to access individual pages:)
Abraham Coates Stoker = Charlotte Matilda Blake Thornley
Sir William Thornley Stoker = Emily Stewart
Charlotte Matilda Stoker = Charles Auguste Petitjean
Abraham “Bram” Stoker = Florence Anne Lemon Balcombe
Irving Noel Thornley Stoker = Neelie Moseley Deane Sweeting
Ann Elizabeth Stoker = R.A.W. Dobbs
= B.A. MacCaw
Thomas Stoker = Enid Bruce
Enid Eveleen Stoker = James Scott Negley Farson
Daniel James Negley Farson
Richard Nugent Stoker = Susan Harden
Margaret Dalrymple Stoker = Sir William Thomson
Gladys Thornley Thomson = Murray Hornibrook
Diana Sibell Nancy Murray Hornibrook
Douglas Stoker Brownlie Thomson = Ella M. Clark
George Stoker = Agnes McGillycuddy
Charlotte Sheela McGillycuddy Stoker
Tom Thornley McGillycuddy Stoker = Mary Hendrie Braithwaite
Patrick McGillycuddy Stoker
Tom Thornley Braithwaite Stoker
Desmond Neil Stoker